April 2016


Music and fine arts, German language, biology, history, catechism, medical psychology and pedagogy joined the forces in finding of the best and most efficient ways for more successful and better integration of the global ethic into the classrooms of their students. Inclusive and available space for dialogue, critical thinking and information exchange related to problems and specific context in which B&H educational system is placed were the themes that marked this very seminar. Due to the great feedback and curiosity of teachers, beside detailed lectures on contextualization and the idea of global ethic itself, Alen Kristić reflected on the incorporation of global ethic into certain subjects and showed relevant and useful sites to the teachers where they can find contents on ethical dilemmas in which every of their students can find themselves.

Monja Šuta – Hibert conducted the practical-pedagogical part together with teachers where they could see through the spectre of exercises how global ethic finds its place in every subject and how interdisciplinary this programme is.
In the end teachers were given certificates and numerous didactic materials that will have their role in the future work and teaching.